Wednesday, January 14, 2009

When 77 and balmy sounds threatening

We've had some Indian summer weather here in the Bay Area over the last few days, which probably sounds good to anyone living east of the Mississippi River and coping with snow. However, by Indian summer I mean hot, dry air and winds howling so loud that they wake you up in the middle of the night. Wildfire weather. Oakland Hills fire weather.

I'm ok with being paranoid from September through November, the tail end of our dry season, every time I hear a snap that could be fire. But our rain has been so sparse this winter that I'm afraid fire season may be a 12 month affair in 2009. We've been on drought restrictions since last spring: shorter showers, saving cooking and bath water to throw onto the lawn and garden plants, brushing teeth with the water off, all that stuff.

But I'm guessing that Summer 2009 will call for even more drastic measures. I was so pleased to see today that the kid's school newsletter announced a store on the EBMUD web site to order FREE that's right FREE water-saving devices like toilet tummies and low-flow showerheads. They're even shipping for free too, so I just ordered a bunch of things for $0. If only BodenUSA would offer those kind of deals.

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